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I write for academic and popular audiences. This page presents some highlights from my recent publications.
A full list can be found here
Vivid Art in Post-Reformation England
Out now with Paul Mellon Centre / Yale University Press
"The achievement of this wonderfully illustrated and bountifully referenced book is to make us question how we should look at post-Reformation art, and to find our own delight in its eccentricities and rhetorical flair."
- Brett Dolman, History Today, July 2023
"Engaging . . . wide ranging. . . . The book opens up new ways of looking at the visual imagery of the worlds beyond Europe."--Goran Stanivukovic
Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme,
'Lively Limning: Presence in Portrait Miniatures and John White’s Images of the New World'
British Art Studies Journal online.
September 2020
Portraits of Elizabeth I: Fashioning the Virgin Queen
Smart History, online.
August 2020
Renaissance Remixed: a surreal video game takes a sideways look at art history
Apollo Magazine, online.
May 2020
Commentary on 'Jeremiah 4'
Visual Commentary on Scripture, online, ed. Ben Quash and Jennifer Sliwka.
April 2020
Painted as a Villain - How the Tudors Regarded Richard III
Apollo Magazine, online.
October 2019
'Facial Recognition': feature about portrait miniatures by Hilliard and Oliver
Apollo, CLXXXIX, no.673, pp.134-139.
March 2019
'it seemeth to be the thing itsefe': Directness and Intimacy in Nicholas Hilliard’s Portrait Miniatures’
Études Épistémè, no.36, special issue on early modern miniatures
‘Tudor Time Machines: Clocks and Watches in British Portraits, c.1530-c.1630’
Renaissance Studies, vol. 33 no. 2, pp. 239-266.
May 2019
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